To make a reservation and pay for
individual banquet tickets
in advance via a credit card, please go to
Reservations by March 21 are required for this event: All seats are assigned for this event, so check-in at the event registration desk to get your seat assignment.
*To pay at the door ONLY via check or EXACT CASH by, but make your reservation at or send an email to Tickets are $60 each (includes dinner, tea, coffee, water and program). A cash bar will be available for soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.
If you make a reservation, and aren’t able to come, payment will still be necessary. We have to pay for all RSVPs, so no refunds will be available.
*Table Sponsorships:
*To become a table sponsor, please choose your level, which are listed and explained below. You can pay via credit card with no fee at
*To pay by check, send your sponsorship level choice by March 15 in an email to Kay Pirtle at
If you don’t want to pay by credit card, he will send you an invoice with payment due by April 15.
***We need to know the names of all people who will sit at your table by March 24. We provide seats for student scholarship winners at sponsored tables that have open seats, so please get the names of your guests to us on time, so we know where we can seat our students. *** All seats are assigned for this event, so check-in at the event registration desk to get your seat assignment.
All sponsor donation levels include a table tent at the banquet, recognition in our event program, and a logo ad on the SPJ-FW website homepage for 12 months beginning in May 2024.
Sponsor Donation Levels
$Pay by CC To pay by check see information above.
+Diamond $2,500: 2 Banquet tables w/dinner for 8 ; recognition in the event program; table tent
+Platinum $700: 1-1/2 Banquet table w/dinner for 12; recognition in the event program; table tent
+Gold $500: Banquet table w/dinner for 8; recognition in the event program; table tent
+Silver $250: Banquet table w/dinner for 4; recognition in the event program; table tent
*** If names are not sent to us for the individual guests to sit at sponsored tables by March 24 , we cannot guarantee those individuals will have a seat at those tables. We will seat other guests and/or scholarshop-winning students there, so please send us the names of your guests on time to reserve a seat at your sponsored table for them.
Banquet proceeds benefit the Texas Gridiron Club Scholarship Endowment, a 501(c) 3, managed by the Society of Professional Journalists, Fort Worth Professional Chapter. Your donation and/or tickets are tax deductable.