PRSA local update III: GolinHarris CEO Fred Cook will take a look at the next 50 years in the PR business at the Dallas PRSA monthly luncheon Thursday, Jan. 11. More here.
PRSA local update IV: The Education SIG held three meetings in 2006 addressing various facets of the changing communications landscape. Pictures from the meetings are at Feb. 17: In the first meeting, on the TCU campus, Rex Seline, Star-Telegram managing editor/news, told how blogs and the way people are receiving their news (more and more electronically) are impacting newspapers. Dr. Amiso George of the TCU Schieffer School of Journalism examined how bloggers are communicating with one another and the world and how blogging can affect companies. ... Aug. 4: Twenty-one attendees on the Texas Wesleyan campus heard from Dallas Morning News reporter Jim O'Neill and Fort Worth Business Press reporter Aleshia Howe. ... Nov. 15: Back at TCU, Max Faulkner, Star-Telegram director of photography, and Mike Grimm, lead photographer on NBC 5's wireless project, explained how technology is changing the way news photographers do their job. Freelance photographer Glen Ellman discussed digital photography -- which type of equipment to buy and how to store digital photos.