On I-35W, go north to Loop 820. Go west on 820.
Take the Azle/Boat Club exit and turn right at the frontage road light, then immediately right again on to Boat Club Road.
Stay on Boat Club Road for quite a ways -- past the light at Bailey Boswell School Road, past the Possum Lodge gas station and barbecue place, past Harbor One (has a new name now, but that's how the whole world knows it) marina and various subdivisions.
Approaching the pivotal fork in the road, note the recently built apartments in various shades of green on the left, as well as the Trading Post store and gas station. On your right, a couple of nice log homes sit close to the road. The structure coming up that looks like a school is Eagle Mountain Lake Elementary. Also in your line of sight should be a newish-looking animal hospital.
The main road continues to Newark. Don't take it. People who go to Newark are never seen again. Boat Club Road veers left just past the animal hospital. A boat club pennant should be on the fence. Perhaps, too, balloons.
The road winds downhill and dead-ends at the boat club. Park in the main lot. See the big mast-as-flagpole at the bottom of the parking lot? The clubhouse is the building at the top of the green lawn to your right.
This document was not created by the Fort Worth Boat Club.